20 Reasons Kids Love Homeschooling

20 Reasons Kids Love Homeschooling


More often than not, homeschooling articles and blog posts are written by and for parents. While these types of posts are informative and helpful, they don’t often include the child’s point of view. Today’s post strives to rectify this situation. I interviewed my kids, and here are twenty reasons they love homeschooling (in no particular order)!

    1. We have the freedom to learn at our own pace.

    2. We can choose where we go on field trips (and help plan them).

    3. We can study the things that actually interest us, for as long as we want to.

    4. We can take time off from school when we aren’t feeling well without worrying about falling behind.

    5. We can exercise/stretch whenever we need to.

    6. We get to spend more time with family.

    7. We have plenty of opportunities to make friends with others who have similar interests.

    8. We can use the bathroom whenever we need to.

    9. We can be creative with how we learn things.

    10. We are able to enjoy the things we’re learning without worrying so much about grades.

    11. We can be creative without worrying about what others think.

    12. We can explore topics more freely.

    13. We can sleep in if we need to.

    14. We can eat and drink when we are hungry and thirsty, not at set times of day.

    15. We can spend all day in our pajamas if we want to.

    16. We can learn about things that aren’t traditionally taught at public/private school.

    17. We don’t have to worry about homework and we can learn any time of day.

    18. We have a more relaxed learning environment.

    19. We don’t have a time limit for socializing with friends and family.

    20. Homeschooling is much more flexible.

    Hopefully this list is helpful to you as you consider homeschooling (or, if you are already homeschooling, inspires you to keep going!). At the beginning of our homeschool journey, we checked in with our kids regularly to see how they felt about it, as well as to find out what was working and what needed to be adjusted. It’s something we do each year, yet we are surprised by the things they say they love about homeschooling sometimes (in a good way!). 🙂

    Were you surprised by anything in the list above? If so, what surprised you and why? Let me know in the comments – I’d love to hear from you!

    As a reminder, all of the above-referenced information is generic in nature and does not cover the full scope of the laws regarding homeschooling in the United States. It is for educational purposes only and it is NOT intended as legal advice. If you have questions regarding the homeschool laws in your state and/or need advice specific to your situation, please consult an attorney familiar with the homeschool laws in your state.

    © This Cozy Homeschool, LLC™ – 2022 to 2023 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Written by: Nikki Endicott.